Testosterone Series Testosterone Cypionate Dosage


Testosterone Cypionate Dosage

Testosterone Cypionate is very popular, almost rivaling that of Testosterone Enanthate in its use. As previously mentioned, however, Testosterone Cypionate has tended to be the more favorable esterified variant of Testosterone among American anabolic steroid users than Testosterone Enanthate. Although it is still almost as equally as popular today among American anabolic steroid users, it was more so in the past. Today, the rate of use between Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate seems to have reached an almost equal level among American bodybuilders and athletes.

Testosterone in any form is always the recommended first-use anabolic steroid for beginners and first-timers to the anabolic steroid world. Testosterone Cypionate in particular is very popular for this purpose because of its longer half-life and slow release rates, which provide a far more convenient injection schedule for Testosterone Cypionate doses. This is because the vast majority of newcomers and beginners commonly become intimidated by the concept of frequent injections. Testosterone Enanthate is just as popular amongst beginner anabolic steroid users for the same reasons.

Testosterone Cypionate doses are very flexible in terms of the user’s goals in question. Testosterone Cypionate doses can be tailored to any possible goal – cutting, bulking, lean mass cycles all alike. Variation between Testosterone Cypionate doses depending on the user’s goal does occur. For example, the bodybuilding ranges of doses are generally required for an individual that wishes to bulk up or add lean mass. For the purpose of cutting and fat loss, it is generally not a requirement to venture very high in dose ranges due to the fact that the primary concern when engaging in fat loss is the preservation of muscle mass during a caloric deficit in which muscle loss is a risk without the use of anabolic steroids. In such a case, lower doses are usually all that is necessary. Testosterone Cypionate doses also include that of Testosterone Replacement Therpay (TRT) doses. This refers to a dose of Testosterone Cypionate that is identical to the weekly dose of Testosterone endogenously manufactured by the human body (approximately 50 – 70mg weekly). This is necessary in cycles where an individual wishes to stack an additional anabolic steroid with Testosterone Cypionate and have that anabolic steroid provide the muscle growth effects while Testosterone Cypionate takes on the supportive role of merely maintaining normal physiological levels of Testosterone. A dose of 100mg weekly of Testosterone Cypionate is considered a sufficient TRT dose. Any higher and the user begins to run the risk of increased aromatization from supraphysiological Testosterone Cypionate doses.

This leads to the next most important point: Testosterone must absolutely be utilized alongside every other anabolic steroid. There exists almost no anabolic steroid analogue that can be run solitarily on its own, and must be stacked with Testosterone in order to maintain normal physiological function that is provided by endogenous Testosterone. When utilizing any anabolic steroid, the human body’s endogenous natural Testosterone production is suppressed or shut down, and some form of exogenous Testosterone (such as Testosterone Cypionate) must be utilized in order to provide the body with, at the very least, proper physiological levels of Testosterone in the absence of endogenous production (suppressed by the use of anabolic steroids). Hence the use of Testosterone at TRT doses during any given cycle.

Medical Testosterone Cypionate Dosage

Within the field of medicine, prescription guidelines for Testosterone Cypionate doses for the purpose of adult male androgen deficiency (hypogonadism and andropause) is determined to be 50 – 400mg administered once every 2 – 4 weeks. The specific dose will always depend on the individual in question, and how much Testosterone Cypionate is required in order to sufficiently raise the person’s Testosterone level back up to a normal range. This is most usually determined through blood tests and a doctor’s reccomendations.

Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Testosterone Enanthate Dosage

For the purpose of physique and performance enhancement, Testosterone Cypionate dosages tend to vary between the three tiers of users (beginner, intermediate, and advanced). Testosterone Cypionate dosages are also administered weekly at the very least, and should optimally be administered twice weekly with each injection spaced evenly apart. This is obviously very different from medical prescription guidelines, but for the purpose of physique and performance enhancement, the administration schedule must be run differently. Beginner Testosterone Cypionate dosages are in the range of 300 – 500mg weekly, and even on the lowest end of this range, any first-time beginner should see impressive progress considering the brand-new use. Intermediate Testosterone Cypionate dosages are in the range of 500 – 700mg per week; however, it is never usually necessary for any intermediate user to venture above 500mg per week. One must always remember that increasing doses will always lead to a higher incidence of more pronounced side effects. This leads to the next major point before describing advanced Testosterone Cypionate doses, which is the clarification that higher doses and excessively high doses are not the definition of an advanced anabolic steroid user of any type. Once again, increased doses are correlated with an increased incidence of side effects. With this being said, advanced Testosterone Cypionate dosages should never require an increase above the intermediate range, but can be seen in some advanced users as high as 700 – 1,000mg per week or higher.

Excessively high doses are for the most part unnecessary (and this can be applied to any anabolic steroid, not just Testosterone Cypionate). However, many bodybuilders have been known to use extremely high Testosterone Cypionate dosages. However, this was a very frequent occurrence during the early 1990s, at a time when Testosterone Cypionate was known as being very inexpensive and very easy to locate on the market. Such an attitude is much easier to adopt when the average price of a 10ml Testosterone Cypionate vial was 80% cheaper 20 years ago than it is today. In general, the practice of mega dosing with Testosterone Cypionate or any anabolic steroid is a very inefficient one.

Female Testosterone Cypionate Dosage

The use of Testosterone Cypionate among female anabolic steroid users is very uncommon due to the fact that this is a strong androgenic compound, and virilization symptoms are of a high occurrence rate and tend to manifest very rapidly. Testosterone Cypionate, therefore, is not recommended for female use and there exists very little data on dosing practices with this compound.

Proper Administration and Timing of Testosterone Cypionate Dosages

Testosterone Cypionate possesses a half-life of approximately 12 days. Therefore, Testosterone Cypionate dosages require administration only twice weekly, with each injection spaced evenly apart. For example, if an individual wishes to use 500mg per week, the administration protocol would call for a 250mg injection on Monday, followed by a 250mg injection on Thursday. Although single weekly injections tend to work as well, it is far less efficient and produces unstable blood plasma levels that involve peaks and valleys in rapid rising and lowering. The result is often pronounced side effects alongside less efficient progress.

Expectations and Results From Testosterone Cypionate Dosages

Testosterone Cypionate is simply an esterified variant of Testosterone, and as such, the expectations in terms of effects, gains, and side effects are what would generally result from any Testosterone product. As Testosterone is anaromatizable anabolic steroid that produces moderate Estrogenic activity, every individual can expect an increase in water weight gain resulting from the water retention from Estrogen levels rising. Unfortunately this is undesirable during fat loss and lean mass phases where the extra puffy and soft look provided by the water retention is undesirable. The use of an aromatase inhibitor should solve this issue for the most part, but this will be further explained in the side effects portion of this profile. Aside from the obvious weight gain resulting from water retention, Testosterone Cypionate is an excellent powerful mass builder and strength gaining compound when utilized at bodybuilding doses. Individuals can expect dramatic strength and size gains, but a solid portion of the weight of these gains should be understood as attributed to water retention if an aromatase inhibitor is not included in the cycle.

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